I have been providing individual and family therapy to children, adolescents, and adults for over forty years.
During the pandemic, I am working exclusively via telepsychology within the state of New Jersey. I will be offering limited in-person appointments on a case-by-case basis as conditions permit.
Please use the navigation bar to learn about my practice philosophy, how I use telepsychology, my professional background, my office policies, and my contact information.
To discuss your needs and get more information, please call me at 973-556-7040.
N.J. Licensed Psychologist #SI01337

My approach to psychotherapy is to assist you to develop and maximize your strengths so that you can cope with emotional stress as effectively as possible. In the process, you can improve your level of functioning and enhance your daily life.
Everyone has unique issues, and no one type of therapy is appropriate for all problems and all individuals. When someone comes to me for therapy, I try to help the client define his/her issues as clearly as possible, in order to develop clear therapeutic goals. These goals can be achieved through a variety of treatment approaches. For many people, a cognitive-behavioral approach can help them to re-think and re-label their problems and behavioral responses in more adaptive ways. For other people, understanding their problems within the context of family relationships and seeing how patterns of behavior and attitudes towards oneself were learned in the past can help them to address their current difficulties more effectively. For many people, a combination of different approaches is the best way to reach their goals.
The coping skills that you develop and enhance in dealing with your present difficulties will help you to manage the future stressful life events that naturally occur in everyone’s lives. Periodic follow-up is also often effective, and I am always available for follow-up sessions when requested.
Public education is one of clinical psychology’s major concerns in order to promote mental health. I am available to speak to community groups on issues relating to mental health, stress management, and normal human development. Please feel welcome to contact me.
In our daily lives, there are some stresses we can control or eliminate, and others stresses that we can’t. However, how we respond to stress can make a big difference in how well we function from day to day.
I offer specific stress and/or pain management training, structured to meet your individual needs. Together, we assess your stress load, be it from outside pressures, personal worries, and/or chronic physical pain. We explore the meaning of these stresses to you and find general ways to approach them differently. Then we develop strategies that include physical relaxation techniques and ways to help quiet the worries in your mind. We tailor these approaches to fit well with your personality and daily schedule in order to enhance the quality of your life.

I am available for non-emergency calls between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, at 973-556-7040. If you reach my voicemail, please leave a message and I will try to return your call within the same day. After hours calls will be returned by the following day. Messages received on weekends will be returned by Monday evening.
I am now working exclusively through telepsychology within the state of New Jersey.
Emergency calls are taken at any time. While I am always available to speak with you in an emergency, please reserve after hours calls for emergency situations only. If you call the office, an outgoing message will supply you with a direct emergency telephone number.
Due to limitations of confidentiality, I am never available to communicate on clinical matters by email.
I only use email to send you a link to our telehealth appointment, and this email is automatically deleted as soon as you click on the link. I do not conduct any psychological services online.